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Homemade Cheese Recipe

Homemade Cheese Recipe

Rediscover the Art of Homemade Cheese with Grandma’s Timeless Three-Ingredient Recipe

In today’s world of convenience, where pre-packaged foods often take precedence over homemade options, returning to the simplicity of traditional cooking can be both refreshing and rewarding. Among the many cherished culinary traditions, one stands out for its simplicity and flavor – a three-ingredient homemade cheese recipe passed down through generations. This easy-to-make cheese is not only rich in taste but also a tangible connection to the past, allowing you to bring a piece of heritage into your kitchen. Here’s how you can recreate this age-old recipe just as Grandma used to.

Why Make Cheese at Home?

Crafting your own cheese offers numerous benefits. First and foremost, you have full control over the ingredients, ensuring the absence of any unwanted additives or preservatives. Additionally, the freshness and flavor of homemade cheese far surpass that of store-bought varieties. Finally, there’s something uniquely satisfying about engaging in the cheese-making process, which brings with it a sense of accomplishment and tradition.

Grandma’s Classic Three-Ingredient Cheese Recipe

This timeless recipe is as simple as it is delicious, requiring only three basic ingredients: whole milk, lemon juice, and a touch of salt. Follow these steps to bring this delightful culinary tradition to life:


  • 1 gallon of fresh whole milk
  • 1/3 cup of freshly squeezed lemon juice
  • Salt to taste


  1. Heat the Milk: Begin by pouring the whole milk into a large pot. Heat it slowly over medium heat, stirring constantly to prevent the milk from sticking or burning at the bottom. The milk should be heated to around 185°F (85°C), just before it reaches a boil.
  2. Add the Lemon Juice: Once the milk is heated, remove it from the stove. Gradually add the freshly squeezed lemon juice while stirring gently. The milk will start to curdle as the acid from the lemon juice reacts with the milk.
  3. Allow to Sit: Let the curdled mixture sit undisturbed for about 10 minutes. During this time, the curds (solid portions) will separate from the whey (liquid portion).
  4. Strain the Curds: Line a colander with a clean cheesecloth and carefully pour the curdled mixture through it, separating the curds from the whey. Gather the corners of the cheesecloth and gently squeeze to remove any excess whey.
  5. Season the Cheese: Open the cheesecloth and sprinkle salt over the curds to taste. Lightly mix the salt into the curds to ensure an even distribution of flavor.
  6. Press the Cheese: To achieve a firmer texture, leave the cheese wrapped in the cheesecloth and place it under a weight for several hours, or overnight, in the refrigerator.
  7. Enjoy Your Cheese: Unwrap your homemade cheese and savor it as is, or incorporate it into your favorite recipes. It pairs beautifully with freshly baked bread, fruits, or can be used in a variety of savory dishes.

Final Thoughts

Grandma’s three-ingredient cheese recipe is more than just a method for making delicious cheese; it’s a celebration of heritage, a nod to simpler times, and a tribute to the culinary wisdom passed down through generations. Whether spread on warm toast, mixed into your favorite recipes, or enjoyed alongside fruit, this cheese is sure to evoke feelings of comfort and nostalgia at your table. Give it a try, and rediscover the joys of homemade cheese.

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